This month I want to present a great color palette as well as talk briefly about a design trend that I’m a fan of… Flat Design! Flat design is a style of design emphasizing minimum use of stylistic elements that give the illusion of three dimensions (such as the use of drop shadows, gradients or textures) and is focused on a minimalist use of simple elements, typography and flat colors. In short, the aim of flat design is to effectively create imagery without much detail. While the beginnings of the style have been around for decades, it has lately skyrocketed in popularity among some well-known brands like Google, Apple, and Microsoft! I believe that flat design can be very effective in both print and web design since it is easy to create a message and still look aesthetically pleasing. It helps cut down time when creating responsive websites too. This Preferred Pallete only shows its use in iconography, but the uses for flat design extend way beyond that.
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